The best eTwinning project in English 2016


Today I would like to write about an eTwinning project that has been awarded a "special category prize": the best project in  the area of teaching a curriculum subject through the medium of English. This prize  has been awarded to the project entitled AIMS Alternatives for Innovative Math Study"

AIMS is an eTwinning project involving 7 Secondary schools from Romania, France, Holland, Italy, Poland, Greece and Spain. 
I have chosen to write about this project because those of you who attend my CLIL seminar know I am a firm believer in the theory of Multiple Intelligences and  the participant teachers in this project use the MI theory to discover and develop each student's particular skills, needs and interests, differentiate and adapt the teaching methods to them. 

Besides, AIMS uses cooperative learning methods, which is not so common in Maths classes, fosters autonomous learning and promotes mutual respect, tolerance and understanding for students with different abilities.

Last but not least,  students who have taken part in this project   create their own learning materials for each type of MI  by using motivating ICT tools or modelling real-life situations so that mathematical contents become relevant for them.

Below you can find  an example of the use of mind maps, developed by the Greek team:


It is, indeed, an ideal project for our CLIL classes. It focuses on Maths and it aims  mainly at making 11-16-year-old students see the connection between Maths and real life but it covers many other subjects:  Design and Technology, European Studies, Foreign Languages, History, / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry, Natural Sciences, Physics. 

You can access the teaching guide below:


You can download the publication above in pdf format from here.
My heartfelt congratulations to the participants and my deepest gratitude for having shared their activites and outcomes  on the Twinspace and on their blog

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