A school for all of us

UNESCO defines inclusive education as the process of identifying and responding to the diversity of needs of all students through greater participation in learning, cultures and communities, reducing exclusion in education. It involves changes and modifications to teaching contents, approaches, structures and strategies, with a common vision that includes all boys and girls.

It is based on the principle that every student has unique learning characteristics, interests, capacities and needs, as well as the fact that educational systems and programmes must be adapted and designed by bearing in mind the extreme diversity of these characteristics and needs. Now it is the school that must adapt itself  to the needs of the students, not vice versa.

Fortunately, educators are not alone in this process. ONCE was created over 80 years ago to obtain social inclusion for people with visual impairments and, later, for people with other types of disabilities. The purpose of this 34th School Contest by ONCE and its Foundation is to raise awareness among students, parents, teachers and society as a whole on the importance of creating a school where there is space for everybody, dynamically and via teamwork, joining forces and ideas to build it together.

How can you participate? Click here and you will find how to take part in the contest as well as teaching materials you can use in your classroom. Scrolling down the page you will find the project your students will have to create and the criteria the jury will take into account.  Deadline to submit projects finishes on February 4th.

Winners will be awarded with interesting prizes although the best prize will be the chance to actively collaborate in offering   quality educational responses for every student. Do you also want a school for all? Then, join in and sign up your class by filling in this form. Small actions like this are the ones that transform a school into a place where boys and girls learn together how to build a more fair and inclusive society. 

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